Chris Burton from Secrets of Card Magic wants to let people know about his membership site for people wanting to learn card magic, sleight of hand and flourishes, he has about 350 plus videos of performing and teaching.
He has put together a Christmas offer where people interested in magic can have the whole 8 phases as a one time offer without waiting for each phase which lasts a month. Saving them time and money.
Here is the offer
The youtube channel
Category Archives: Magic Products
Magical Mathematics
Watch out for a review of this coming soon, I am still working my way through this but for now take a look at the press release and place your order at Amazon.
MAGICAL MATHEMATICS by Persi Diaconis & Ron Graham
The Mathematical Ideas that Animate Great Magic Tricks, after 25 years in the making and with a foreword by Martin Gardner, Persi Diaconis & Ron Graham finally reveal the secrets of amazing, fun-to-perform card
tricks—and the profound mathematical ideas behind them—that will astound even the most accomplished magician. Renowned magicians and mathematicians Persi Diaconis and Ron Graham provide easy,
step-by-step instructions for each trick, explaining how to set up the effect and offering tips on what to say and do while performing it.
Each card trick introduces a new mathematical idea, and varying the tricks in turn takes readers to the very threshold of today’s mathematical knowledge. For example, the Gilbreath Principle — a fantastic effect where the cards remain in control despite being shuffled—is found to share an intimate connection with the Mandelbrot set. Other card tricks link to the mathematical secrets of combinatorics, graph theory, number theory, topology, the Riemann hypothesis, and even Fermat’s last theorem.
Diaconis and Graham are mathematicians as well as skilled performers with decades of professional experience between them. In the book they share a wealth of conjuring lore, including some closely guarded secrets of legendary magicians. MAGICAL MATHEMATICS covers the mathematics of juggling and shows how the I Ching connects to the history of probability and magic tricks both old and new. It tells the
stories—and reveals the best tricks–of the eccentric and brilliant inventors of mathematical magic.
MAGICAL MATHEMATICS exposes old gambling secrets through the mathematics of shuffling cards, explains the classic street-gambling scam of three-card monte, traces the history of mathematical magic back to the thirteenth century and the oldest mathematical trick—and much more.
Fractal Card Magic
John Bannon’s Fractal Card Magic: Spotted over at Fun Inc. John Bannon is releasing a trilogy of packet tricks entitled Fractal Card Magic, the first The Royal Scam is to be released in a couple of weeks: Prolific creator John Bannon, author of Smoke and Mirrors, will be releasing a trilogy of what he calls “fractal card magic.” Each part of the series will include an instructional DVD, and of course, the necessary apparatus.
The first in the series, “The Royal Scam,” is on its way to us from the duplicators, and will be available to dealers very soon, hopefully within two weeks or so.
52 Memories pre-order
If you do not recieve Andi Gladwin’s newsletter (and if not why not?!) He announced over the weekend that the Jack Parker book is now available for pre-order. I am going to pick up my copy at The Session but if you are not attending (if not why not?!) you may wish to pre-order to recieve this when it launches next week, and to also be entered into a draw to win a limited edition Jack Parker book. Check Andi’s site for all the details.
Releases 04/06/07
Some more magic products that might be of interest:
- Stone Cold Magic DVD – Jeff Stone’s DVD, Jeff appeared on the new Underground Jam DVD with Jay Sankey, with some very clever ideas, you can see some clips from the DVD and read Jeff’s blog.
- Don Driver’s DVDs – Don’s Building a Tip and Svengali Pitch DVDs – These have been getting some good reviews over at The Magic Cafe if you are street performing these might be of interest.
- The Magic Teacher – some free tricks available, and some pdf’s for sale such as Floating Card, Numismatic and the Solstice colour change.
- 2dee Magic: a new Korean webshop, with some interesting e-books and a forum, you can download The Frying Tally for free, and check out Immortal, Shot and Dragula complete with demo videos.
New Releases 13/05/07
As I stumble across new products be they tricks, dvds, books, e-books, magazines etc. I will try and remember to mention them here, that will benefit me as I can keep track of them, and hopefully maybe point them out to you, so here are a few new releases that you may or may not be aware of:
- Cameron Francis’ Fresh Mint PDF
- Peter Harrison’s Connected & Magic in the Real World PDF
- Pablo Valdes Fuego PDF
- Steve Fearsons Amagazing Ebook
- Steve Fearsons Devil Coin Vanish Ebook
- Peter Vanspauwen Belgian Blockbusters PDF
If anyone has a new item they want mentioning on the blog, or want to submit for a longer review, or you come across any items you think might be worth a mention then please feel free to contact me.